October 2014 - The Liverpool Biennial at the Old Blind School.
The Old Blind School (as it is now known) was a building I often curiously passed by when I was an art student. Located at the crossroad where Hope Street meets Hardman Street and Myrtle Street, it was one of those buildings that you often pass by, wondering what is inside, but never get to see.
In 2014 the Old Blind School was the main building for the Liverpool Biennial; this gave me an opportunity to walk around inside the building and take some photographs. I quickly realised that the interior of the building, with its weary, characterful surfaces and variety of details, would give me an opportunity to capture an interesting series of photos of a building that would undergo redevelopment once the Biennial was over.
October 2014
December 2015 - This section of the Old Blind School has been cleaned up and a restaurant named after the building now resides.
One of several sheep from Judith Hopf's 'Flock of Sheep'
Marc Bauer's 'Quarry' drawing on the wall.
So now, over a year on, I've gone through and selected a series of photos. Normally I try to edit photos as soon as possible after taking them, but being busy at the time and deciding there was no rush, I chose to come back to them at a later date. I've read that some photographers like to come back to photos after a set period of time (weeks, months or even years later) so that when they come back to them it's with a fresh point-of-view. I decided this would be interesting to try.
As for the building, when walking past it a year after taking the photos, it is pleasing to see it cleaned up and being used. There are several old buildings in Liverpool, like this one, that are going to waste. Perhaps the regeneration of this one may encourage the development of the others.
So now please have a look through my selection of photos below (click/swipe) and don't forget to subscribe at the bottom. Thanks for reading!